Hello, my name is epicalex95. I'm here to tell you about the SJW. I've studied many victims of SJWs, and I have to tell you that the results are quite disturbing. If you are not familiar with the SJW, I will explain. It stands for "Social Justice Warrior". This creature sneaks around the Internet and will attack anyone who comments where the SJW can notice. They have the power to drive someone to complete insanity, and they will not stop. I have come up with a ritual to bring this mysterious creature out, in the hopes of studying more. Be aware however, if you attempt this ritual yourself you may become the next victim of an SJW attack.
To complete this ritual, you will need:
-An Internet connection
-A device that can connect to Internet and has a web browser
First, you must attempt to find a danger zone. A good example would be tumblr, kotaku, or anywhere else you have heard of a strong SJW presence. Next, you must state a completely logical argument. For example, I would state why I think Anita Sarkeesian feeds misinformation, takes her arguments out of context, and is an embarrassment to feminism. The SJW will be intimadated by statements like these. They will use many logical fallacies in an attempt to kill you and your argument. These are all the steps you need to take to complete this ritual. By this point, you should have summoned the SJW.
I have attempted this ritual myself, and I can say the results aren't pretty. The SJW ended up defending pedophiles. They said that they have a place in society, and that I was a misogynist dick for saying that they shouldn't be normal. After that, more of the SJWs allies started to appear to help defeat me with their logical fallacies, and my opinion was drowned out. I received cancer from that encounter, and here I am, about to die. Consider this a warning about the SJW. There's a chance you could be next.